第一回 Japan Foregut Society
会長: 北方敏敬
President: Toshitaka Hoppo, MD, PhD, FACS
Associate Professor of Surgery, Division of Foregut Surgery
Drexel University College of Medicine
Esophageal Institute, Allegheny Health Network
Pittsburgh PA, USA
11月11日(土曜日)東京フォーラムにて第一回Japan Foregut Society (JFS)を開催し、皆様のお陰で大盛会に終えることが出来ました。JFS構想から1年以上、我々のアイデアにご賛同いただいた消化器内科、外科、耳鼻科の先生方、大変なスケジュールの中遠方から参加していただいた先生方、オンラインで参加していただいた先生方、当日の会の運営を手伝っていただいたボランティアや紀尾井フォーラムスタッフの方々、そしてこの会を現実のものとしていただいた多くの協賛企業の方々の全てに、心より御礼申し上げます。
また、ロサンゼルスから駆けつけてくださったAFS初代会長のDr. John Lipham、そしてオンラインで参加していただいたEFSのDr. Sebastian Schoppmann, Dr. Joerg Zehetnerには、日本とはかなりの時差がある中で米国やヨーロッパでの新しい知見についてご講演いただき、JFSの国際的活動に多大なる貢献をいていただきました。改めて、皆様に心より御礼申し上げます。
I am very pleased to inform you that the first meeting of Japan Foregut Society (JFS) was a great success at the Kioi Forum in Tokyo on 11/11/2023, thanks to all of you including all board members of GI, surgery and ENT who understood the concept of JFS and have collaborated with us from the beginning, all physicians who attended in person and virtually, all volunteers and staffs at the Kioi forum who significantly helped us to smoothly run the meeting, AND all industries who financially supported JFS and made this dream team real. Again, I would like to express the sincerest appreciation and thanks to all of you!
Also, I would like to thank Dr. John Lipham, first president of American Foregut Society, who came to Tokyo, and both Dr. Sebastian Schoppmann and Dr. Joerg Zehetner from European Foregut Society, who virtually joined us from Europe even with a significant time difference. I believe that you guys made the first JFS more meaningful and significantly contributed to the international activity of JFS.
I expected JFS to be a place where everybody can discuss and network regardless of specialties or experience levels without any hesitation. Since this successful first meeting of JFS, I have realized how important it is to share the up-to-date information from each specialty and collaborate together to treat this challenging foregut disease such as GERD and LPRD. Anyway, it was so fun to be together!! I was actually very impressed by the fact that the younger generation did not have any language barrier or hesitation to discuss. I am sure that JFS could be a group to send the message with Japanese wisdom to the world.
As presented in the educational seminars, esophageal physiology testing such as high-resolution manometry and impedance-pH testing is essential to evaluate and treat GERD and LPRD, however not only the understanding of esophageal testing but also health care system in Japan have been a factor to prevent its general acceptance and access. We would like to work together to contribute to change this challenging situation so that we can improve the quality of GERD and LPRD therapy for patients who have been suffering. Additionally, I am sure that one of JFS’s missions is to share the correct information of our prominent knowledges and technologies such as PCAB and endoscopic therapy, which are made in Japan, with everyone in the world.
I believe that everyone was well connected with each other for the future collaboration. JFS will continuously provide up-to-date information on our website and plan to establish the platform of online forum to discuss any difficult and interesting cases soon. We will make a continuous effort to keep JFS more active and meaningful. Please bring your colleagues to join us so that we can continue to grow and become more active! Team up!
Society for GERD・LPRD Network
理事長:関 洋介
Representative Director: Yosuke Seki, MD, PhD
医療法人社団あんしん会 四谷メディカルキューブ
減量・糖尿病外科センター 臨床研究管理部部長
Consultant surgeon, Weight Loss and Metabolic Surgery Center,
Minimally Invasive Surgery Center
Chief, Division of Clinical Research, Yotsuya Medical Cube
皆さまのおかげで第一回Japan Foregut Society(JFS)を盛会に終えることが出来ました。支えてくださいました先生方、サポートしてくださいました企業の皆さま、学会続きの忙しいスケジュールの中、会場もしくはonlineで参加してくださり、活発な議論で会を盛り上げてくださいました先生方にお礼を申し上げます。
JFSは難治性胃食道・咽喉頭逆流症(GERD/LPRD)をはじめとする上部消化管機能性疾患Foregut diseaseにフォーカスし、内科や外科といった診療科の垣根を超えたmiddle groundで患者さんに対する最適診療(診断ならびに治療)をdiscussionしあうためのplatformです。皆さまのサポートを頂きながら、医療従事者のみならず疾患に苦しむ患者さんにまで必要な情報が届けられるよう、活動を拡げていければと考えています。
今回はAmerican Foregut Society(AFS)を代表し、アメリカからProf. John Liphamに忙しいスケジュールの中、東京までお越し頂き、様々な知識をシェアして頂きました。GERD大国アメリカで何故、AFSの様な組織が必要だったのか、さらにAFSを設立するにあたっての苦労話をお聞きし、国が違っても全く同じ問題を抱えていることを感じました。European Foregut Society(EFS)からはProf. Sebastian Schoppmann(オーストリア)とProf. Joerg Zehetner(スイス)よりonline講演を賜りました。
JFSは国内にとどまらず、活動をアジアにさらに世界に拡げていければと思っています。第一回JFSを開催するにあたって、世界中の友人たちから激励やお祝いのvideo messageを頂きました。ホームページやSNSで少しずつ発信していきますので、ご興味があればご覧になって下さい。この度は本当にありがとうございました。第二回JFSでまたお会いしましょう!
Thanks to everyone's support, the first Japan Foregut Society (JFS) meeting was a great success. I would like to express my gratitude to the friends/colleagues who supported us, the companies that provided support, and the members who participated in the meeting either in person or online amidst their busy schedules, and who enlivened the meeting with lively discussions.
JFS focuses on upper gastrointestinal functional diseases, including refractory gastroesophageal and laryngopharyngeal reflux disease (GERD/LPRD), and aims to be a platform for discussing optimal patient care (diagnosis and treatment) across the boundaries of internal medicine, surgery, ENT and etc. With your support, we hope to expand our activities so that necessary information reaches not only medical professionals but also patients suffering from these diseases.
This time, representing the American Foregut Society (AFS), Prof. John Lipham from the United States joined us in Tokyo despite his busy schedule to share various knowledge. Listening to why an organization like the AFS was necessary in a GERD-prevalent country like the U.S., and hearing about the challenges faced in establishing the AFS, I felt that different countries face the same issues. From the European Foregut Society (EFS), we received online lectures from Prof. Sebastian Schoppmann (Austria) and Prof. Joerg Zehetner (Switzerland).
We at JFS aim to expand our activities not only in Japan but also in Asia and the rest of the world. For the first JFS meeting, we received video messages of encouragement and congratulations from friends around the world, which we will gradually share on our website and social media. Please take a look if you are interested. Thank you very much for this time. Let's meet again at the second JFS!