第二回 Japan Foregut Society会長


Associate Professor of Surgery, Division of General Surgery, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School


皆様に多大なるご協力をいただき、先日10月5日東京の全国都市会館にて第二回Japan Foregut Society (JFS)を無事盛会に終えることができました。JFSに関わっていただいた全ての方々に厚く御礼を申し上げます。また、第二回JFSでは14社の企業様よりご協賛をいただきました。今回もモーニングセミナーと教育セミナーにて新しい知見を得て、食道機能検査の理解を深めることができました。いくら理念があっても協賛なしでは何もできません。協賛企業の皆様には、ここに改めて深く御礼申し上げます。




今回、テーマの一つとして「GERDと食道外症状」を取り上げました。名古屋市立大学病院呼吸器・アレルギー内科の新美彰男先生に「呼吸器内科医が診る食道外症状」についてご講演をしていただき、消化器内科・耳鼻科・外科の立場から病態・診断・治療について活発に情報交換することができました。また、南カルフォルニア大学胸部外科の原野隆之先生には、肺移植外科医の立場から重症肺疾患とGERDについてご講演いただき、この分野の理解が更に進んだかと思います。Debate sessionでは内科医・外科医の立場から3つのテーマについて議論を行い、改めて病態や現象の捉え方の違いが浮き彫りとなり、今後内科と外科がコラボすることの重要性、そしてJFSの存在意義を改めて実感しました。


第一回に引き続き、JFS活動の目的の一つであるInternational collaborationとして、香港からDr. Ian Wongが来日され、オンラインではAFS前会長のDr. Reginald BellとEFSのDr. Yves Borbelyにご講演いただきました。JFS設立がきっかけとなり、現在Asian Foregut Societyの設立に向けて動き出しています。また、2026年にはワシントンDCにて世界各地のForegut Societyが一同に会するWorld Congressが予定されており、専門科のみならず国境を越えた世界的なコラボレーションへと大きく動き出していることをご報告いたしました。



 Toshitaka Hoppo, MD, PhD, FACS

President, Japan Foregut Society

Associate Professor of Surgery, Division of General Surgery, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School 


Thanks to everyone’s support, we had a great success on the second meeting of Japan Foregut Society (JFS) which was held at the Zenkoku Toshi Kaikan in Tokyo on October 5, 2024. I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to all of you involving our JFS. I would like to let you know that 14 industries have kindly supported us, and we were able to have 1 morning seminar and 2 sponsored seminars to learn and better understand disease process and esophageal motility testing. Again, I really appreciate your generous support provided by all the industries which participated in JFS.


Last year, we successfully launched JFS as a unique society involving gastroenterologists, surgeons, and ENTs, where anyone can discuss regardless of specialties or experience level without any hesitation. Even though a couple of other scientific meetings were held on the same day, there were approximately 110 attendees including physicians, paramedics, and people from industries in person and virtually.


One of the main topics was “GERD/LPRD-related extraesophageal symptoms”. We had Dr. Akio Niimi, Department of Respiratory and Allergy Medicine at the Nagoya City University Hospital, who gave us the fantastic lecture regarding “management of extraesophageal symptoms from pulmonologist’s perspective”, and then we had numerous informative discussions with gastroenterologists, surgeons, and ENTs. In addition, Dr. Takashi Harano, Department of Thoracic Surgery at the University of Southern California, gave us the interesting lecture regarding “GERD and end-stage lung disease requiring lung transplantation”. I hope all participants were able to better understand this  complex topic. During the debate session, we had good discussions about three topics between gastroenterologists and surgeons, and I believe the difference in the understanding of pathophysiology and management between specialties was clearly highlighted. Therefore, my belief of the importance of collaborative works between specialties was strengthened, confirming the benefits presented by our JFS.


For our international collaboration as one of our JFS activities, we had Dr. Ian Wong in person from University of Hong Kong, and Dr. Reginald Bell from American Foregut Society (AFS) and Dr. Yves Borbely form European Foregut Society (EFS) online. I was extremely excited to inform you that our JFS triggered the initiation of the discussion to organize Asian Foregut Society.  As a continuation beyond the borders, the World Congress will be inviting all foregut societies in each territory at Washington D.C. in 2026. We are in a big wave towards international collaboration, anticipating the spread of awareness and knowledge of GERD/LPRD.


I am honored to inform you that the next president of JFS will be Dr. Yasuhiro Fujiwara, Department of Gastroenterology at the Osaka Metropolitan University. Please bring your friends and colleagues to join us at the third meeting of JFS. JFS will continue to advocate the improvement in the understanding and management of GERD/LPRD worldwide. I am looking forward to working with all of you!