第一回 Japan Foregut Society
会長: 北方敏敬
President: Toshitaka Hoppo, MD, PhD, FACS
Associate Professor of Surgery, Division of Foregut Surgery
Drexel University College of Medicine
Esophageal Institute, Allegheny Health Network
Pittsburgh PA, USA
この度、多くの方のご協力のお陰で11月11日(土曜日)に第一回Japan Foregut Society (JFS)を東京の紀尾井フォーラムで開催させていただけることになりました。これまで、異なる専門科が一同に会して議論する機会はそれほど多くなかったかと思います。Foregut Societyは、内科や外科といった専門科の垣根を取りはらって活発かつ率直に議論して、共にこの分野の発展と普及に寄与し、GERD・LPRDに悩む患者さんのQOLを改善することを目標にしています。
GERDは「逆流性食道炎」として広く認識されるようになった病態ですが、「逆流性食道炎」はGERDによって引き起こされた粘膜障害の一つでしかありません。GERDは非常に多彩な症状を呈し、しかも重症度も様々です。個々の患者の重症度や治療のゴールに応じた、内科的治療から外科治療まで集学的なアプローチによってQOLを改善できると考えています。我々外科医(foregut surgeon)は、GERDとは食道胃接合部の解剖学的異常による逆流防止機能不全に起因した「外科的疾患」と考えています。おそらく、多くの内科系の先生方は「何を言ってるの?」と思われることでしょう。こういったギャップを埋めていくことが、JFSの大きな意義の一つであると考えています。
今回は、JFSの初回ですので、1)それぞれの専門科が何を考えて治療をしているのか、2)内科的治療、内視鏡治療、外科治療の適応と守備範囲の理解、3)その上でJFSとして目指す方向性について議論がすすめばと思っています。教育セミナーでは、食道機能検査の基礎について講演していただき、誰もが食道機能検査にアクセスできることを目指します。また、JFSの目的の一つである国際的活動として、4年前に発足したAmerican Foregut Society (AFS) と2年前に発足したEuropean Foregut Society (EFS) とのInternational Joint Sessionを設けています。そして、会の最後には困難な症例に対して、異なる専門科によるDebate sessionを企画しました。
Hello! Thanks to all of you, the first annual meeting of Japan Foregut Society (JFS) will be held at the Kioi Forum in Tokyo on November 11, 2023. There have been few scientific meetings in which physicians from different specialties meet together to discuss common topics. The purpose of our “Foregut Society” is to actively and frankly discuss these important issues irrespective of different specialties, and to widely spread the knowledge of foregut diseases to the community and improve the QOL of patients who have suffered from GERD/LPRD.
Although GERD has been widely recognized as a “reflux esophagitis” in Japan, a “reflux esophagitis” is just one endoscopic finding of mucosal injuries caused by GERD. GERD can cause a wide variety of symptoms, from mild heartburn to pulmonary failure, and the severity of symptoms vary for each patient. Therefore, a multidisciplinary approach utilizing both medical and surgical therapy based on the severity of disease and goal of treatment on each patient is critical to improve the outcome of GERD therapy, thus providing better QOL. Foregut surgeons have considered GERD as a “surgical disease” because we think that GERD is caused by an impaired antireflux barrier function at the gastroesophageal junction due to anatomical and functional abnormalities. Many gastroenterologists may say “what are you talking about?”. But it is exactly what JFS is looking for; to serve as a bridge between different specialties.
Our goals of the first JFS meeting are 1) to discuss how each specialty understands the pathophysiology and approach to GERD, 2) to understand the indications for (and limitations of) each treatment option, and then 3) to hopefully discuss how JFS can advance the team effort. We prepared 3 sponsored lectures regarding esophageal physiology testing and the recent advances in medical therapy so that everyone can better understand esophageal physiology testing, and utilize this testing without any hesitation.
As one of JFS’ international activities, the international joint session with the American Foregut Society (AFS) and the European Foregut Society (EFS) was planned. At the end of meeting, we want to enjoy having a Debate Session involving all audience with different specialties to discuss the optimal management of several difficult cases.
We are planning to utilize live streaming to provide the easy access to JFS meeting even from outside Japan, especially Asian countries.
The purpose of JFS is to internationally build our network and send the message with Japanese wisdom to the world. Every effort has been made to construct an attractive program so that all participants will say “I have never attended such an interesting meeting” and “I really want to participate again”. Don’t hesitate! We will provide a place where anyone can discuss and network regardless of specialties or experience level without any hesitation. I would very much like all of you to bring as many colleagues as possible to the first meeting of JFS. I am really looking forward to meeting all of you in person soon!