


第二回会長: 北方敏敬


The Second JFS President: Toshitaka Hoppo, MD, PhD, FACS

Associate Professor of Surgery, Division of General Surgery,

Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School


皆様のおかげをもちまして、昨年11月に第1回Japan Foregut Society (JFS)を大成功のうちに終えることができました。改めて御礼申し上げます。この度、第2回JFSを10月5日(土曜日)に全国都市会館(東京都千代田区)にて開催する運びとなりました。




恒例のJFS international joint sessionでは、AFS前会長のDr. Reginald Bellによるオンラインレクチャーに加え、香港大学外科のDr. Ian Wongに現在進行中のAsian Foregut Societyの将来展望についてご講演いただきます。また、逆流防止手術に使用される新しいデバイスであるRefluxStop™についての最新情報もお伝えします。会の最後は、会場の皆様が活発に議論に参加できるディベートセッションとケースプレゼンテーションで締めくくります。




Dear friends!


Thanks to your kind support, we had an extremely successful first meeting of Japan Foregut Society (JFS) last November. I am very excited to announce that the second meeting of JFS will be held at the Zenkoku Toshi-Kaikan, in Tokyo on October 5, 2024.


One of the main topics of this meeting is to understand the diagnosis and management of GERD/LPRD-related extraesophageal symptoms. We will have special lectures by two world-renowned experts: Prof. Akio Niimi (Pulmonology, Nagoya City University) and Dr. Takashi Harano (Thoracic Surgery, University of Southern California), in addition to the panel discussion with different specialties (GI, ENT and surgery). Similar to last year, we will have two sponsored seminars regarding esophageal physiology testing such as high-resolution manometry with novel impedance technology so that everyone can understand how to utilize these testing in a general practice.


At the JFS international joint session, Dr. Reginald Bell (Foregut Surgery, the former president of AFS) will give us a short online lecture, and Dr. Ian Wong (Foregut Surgery, University of Hong Kong) will talk about the ongoing effort to establish the Asian Foregut Society. Also, we will share the recent update on Reflux Stop™, a novel device for anti reflux surgery. Then, this meeting will be wrapped up with an exciting debate session and case presentations to ensure the active participation of all in the audience as a JFS multidisciplinary team.


The purpose of JFS is to create not only a nationwide, but a worldwide multidisciplinary team and to improve the QOL of patients who has suffered from GERD/LPRD. JFS is a place where anyone can discuss and network regardless of specialties or experience level without any hesitation. We have worked very hard to construct the attractive program, so we will never let you down! Please bring all the colleagues with you to the second meeting of JFS. I am really looking forward to meeting all of you in person soon!